Semi-annual High-Level meeting of the Polio Partners Group
Excellencies, Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to remind you that the next high-level meeting of the Polio Partners Group (PPG) will take place on Friday, 7 June in Salle B at the Headquarters of the World Health Organization in Geneva. The meeting will be from 0900hrs to 1230hrs. Remote connection will be available for those unable to attend in person.
We are proposing an agenda that will cover the following topics. As always, we welcome and appreciate your feedback.
- Opening
- High-Level Segment: Comments from Stakeholders
- Polio: Detection and Interruption
- Certification
- Sustaining the Gains with Essential Immunization
If you are planning to attend, kindly send your RSVP to;; and
Please note that registration through the INDICO system is mandatory for all UN institutions and no badge will be issued without a registration by participant. Please follow this link to register: If you have attended a UN meeting in Geneva within last 6 months, you only need to confirm your details after logging in. Additional registration instructions are attached. Also attached is a calendar request containing details for remote participation via Webex.
We look forward to your participation. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Jon Kim Andrus
Director, Division of Vaccines and Immunization
Center for Global Health, University of Colorado
H.E. Mr. Ken Okaniwa
Ambassador and Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Geneva
Co-Chairs, Polio Partners Group Global Polio Eradication Initiative