The third installment in the Elevating Education in Emergencies will explore how education clusters and coordination mechanisms can contribute to and accelerate achievement of the Grand Bargain commitments relating to localization – particularly moving towards greater local leadership, promoting more principled partnership approaches and systematic approaches to institutional capacity strengthening.

Elevating Education in Emergencies is a series of four thematic meetings unpacking the needs, challenges and opportunities of select countries around specific yet related education in emergencies thematic areas. This series aims to underscore the importance of prioritizing education in humanitarian responses. Convened by the Permanent Mission of Norway to the UN and the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN, facilitated by the Global Education Cluster, this four-part series is held bi-annually over a two-year period (2018-2019).

The event will be followed by a reception.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Geneva, Switzerland