Modalities of participation

Attending the meeting. Representatives of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) and NGOs in consultative status with the ECOSOC can be accredited to participate in the Human Rights Council's intersessional meeting as Observers. Read more about NHRI particiation.

A limited number of seats in the public gallery is available for persons wishing to observe the meeting without being accredited as participants (i.e. students and academics).

Oral statements. Observers will be able to make short oral statements during the meeting (max. 2 minutes).

Written submissions. Written statements and other substantive submissions will also help inform the debates and summary report of the meeting. Please send your submissions by 23 January 2019.

Knowledge Fair. A Knowledge Fair during the lunch break will promote the exchange of information about existing experiences, projects and methodologies regarding the integration of human rights in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Refreshments will be available at the lunch break for participants. [Participate with a stand]


Please register by clicking "Register now" below.

You will be requested to submit written proof of your affiliation and to indicate whether you require a visa to enter Switzerland. Please allow three working days for your request to be processed.  For general guidance please see Accreditation to sessions of the Human Rights Council.

You can also upload your picture and data at the intersessional meeting’s sched page and appear at the list of attendees for the meeting

International sign interpretation and real-time captioning will be provided.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Room XX
Geneva, Switzerland