WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Room A
World Health Organization
20, avenue Appia
CH-1211 Geneva 27
Go to map
For delegates from Permanent Missions in Geneva attending this Steering Committee, it is not mandatory to register for the meeting; however delegates should ensure that their mission badge is activated to be able to access the WHO premises.
A. If you have already created an account in Indico:
- Open the Google Chrome or Firefox and copy/paste the URL address:
- Click on “Register now”
- Login in to Indico
- Check your profile details to unsure that they are still valid
- Complete the remaining information
- Click on register
B. If you have not yet created an account in Indico:
- Open the Google Chrome or Firefox and copy/paste the URL address:
- Click on the Login button on the top-right of the screen.
- Click on “Create a new account” and fill out the account creation form. Then click on Confirm.
- You should receive an email with an Activation link from noreply.accreditations at .
- Click on that activation link.
- Your account is now activated.
- Register for the meeting following the steps at A.