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5–6 Nov 2018
Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG)
Europe/Zurich timezone
The General Meeting is co-organized by the Government of Switzerland and the WHO. It will provide an opportunity to promote the implementation of the WHO Global NCD Action Plan 2013-2020 , assess progress made so far by the GCM/NCD, including in light of the results of the preliminary evaluation of GCM/NCD and highlight the successes of the GCM/NCD Participants: Member States, UN Agencies and non-State actors (NGOs, academic institutions, philanthropies and business associations) in forging collaborative partnerships that mobilize the means required to implement national NCD responses with a view to achieve SDG target 3.4 (“to reduce, by 2030, premature mortality from NCDs by one third and promote mental health”) and other NCD related targets of SDGs. The General Meeting will also build on the outcomes of the third High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of NCDs.
Geneva International Conference Centre (CICG), Geneva, Switzerland
Rue de Varembé 17, 1211 Genève information on the CICG: How to reach the CICG:
Go to map


A. If you have already created an account in Indico:

  1. Open the Google Chrome or Firefox and copy/past there the URL address:  
  2. Click on “Registration”
  3. Login-in to Indico
  4. Check your profile details to unsure that they are still valid
  5. Complete the remaining information
  6. Click on register

B. If you have not yet created an account in Indico:

  1. Open the Google Chrome or Firefox and copy/past there the URL address:
  2. Click on the Login button on the top-right of the screen.
  3. Click on “Create a new account” and fill out the account creation form. Then click on Confirm.
  4. You should receive an email with an Activation link from "".
  5. Click on that activation link.
  6. Your account is now activated.
  7. Register for the meeting following the steps at A.