Raíces de México
Assembly Hall
Palais des Nations
Organized by the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva.
About the concert:
The Permanent Mission of Mexico wish to organize a concert titled “Raíces de México”, performed by the most famous Mariachi in Mexico “El Mariachi Vargas de Tecalitlán”.
As the title says “Raíces de México” (The roots of Mexico), the mariachi is part of the Mexican folklore that goes beyond music, as it sums a cultural revolution expressed through a group of musicians, dressed in charro suits, which encompasses the essence of Mexico and its people. This event will be an opportunity to show to all the attendees the talent of the music industry in México.
The lyrics of the songs are about everyday issues that all people come across with, such as love, betrayal, death and politics.