28 May 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
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If you don't have the Indico account yet, here are the instruction on how to register:

  1. Open the Google Chrome or Firefox and copy/past there the URL address: https://reg.unog.ch
  2. Click on the Login button on the top-right of the screen.
  3. Click on "Create new account" and fill out the account creation form. Then click on Confirm.
  4. You should receive an email with an Activation link from noreply.accreditations at unog.ch .
  5. Click on that activation link.
  6. Your account is now activated and you can register.

PS: If you find that you cannot submit the registration form, please copy/paste the link https://reg.unog.ch/ in Google Chrom or Firefox and then you’ll be able to register (follow the steps above for registration).