CITYarts Pieces for Peace

Salle des pas perdus (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)

Salle des pas perdus

Palais des Nations

A Building, 3rd floor - Door 14

Organized by theย United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organizationย (UNESCO)ย Geneva Liaison Office,ย in collaborationย with the Non-profit Organisation CITYarts.ย 

The UNESCO Geneva Liaison Office,ย in collaboration withย the non-profitย organizationย CITYarts, presents the exhibitionย CITYartsย Pieces for Peace.ย This display of works is one of the mainย programsย of CITYarts, consisting of approximately 300 original artworks made byย youthย fromย around the world. The pieces are part of a wider global online exhibition, which to date has received over than 6,000 artworks from approximately 73 countries.

The artworks have inspired the creation of mosaic โ€œPeace Wallsโ€, with five locations presently around the world, with more being planned. CITYarts also organizesย Pieces for Peaceย workshops, which aim to encourage youth to consider what peace looks like to them and to expressย theirย ideas through art, which are then added to the online exhibition.

The exhibition aims to encourage youth around the world to become ambassadors for peace, and to enrich a global dialogue around peace, and also gives an opportunity for youth to gain new art skills and communicate through the visual language.ย 

U.N.ย Ambassadors are asked to encourage the youth in their countries to join this CITYarts program "Young Minds Build Bridges" atย

The exhibition will be on displayย at theย Salle des pas perdus,ย Aย Building, 3rd Floor - Door 14.ย Fromย 5 to 21ย December 2017.


