HRC36 | Side- & other events

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Palais des Nations

Geneva, Switzerland

Register on this page for SIDE EVENTS only



In order to attend a side event, please be sure to upload a copy of the official letter from the organizer of the event, containing your name.

Please select only the event you wish to attend, not the whole day.

    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Qatar - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Arab Network for NHRI - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Canada - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Venezuela - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Croatia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Fiji - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Russian Federation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • UN Watch - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • PM of Bolivia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Singapore - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • GRULAC - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Qatar - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Fiji - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Assoc. of Democratic Lawyers - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Egypt - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting on 36th Session
    • Comision Juridica para el Autodesarrollo - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • JUSCANZ - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Namibia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting on 36th Session
    • Society for Threatened Peoples - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Morocco - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Austria - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Solidarité Suisse-Guinée - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Commonwealth HR Initiative - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Commission of Jurists - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Service for Human Rights - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Thailand - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Private meeting
    • PM of Bolivia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Paraguay - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Russian Federation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Human Rights Watch - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OIC - Meeting on 36th Session
    • China Society for HR Studies - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Society for Development and Community Empowerment - Meeting on 36th Session
    • NAM - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Qatar - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Alsalam Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Assoc. for Democracy in Africa - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Maarij Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OCAPROCE - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of El Salvador - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Society for Threatened Peoples - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International-Lawyers.Org - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Sri Lanka - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Comision Juridica para el Autodesarrollo - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Centre Catolique Internationale de Geneve - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. Etudiants Tamouls France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Org. for the Right to Education and Freedom of Education - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Rencontre africaine pour la defense des droits de l'homme - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. of American Minorities - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Ecumenical Alliance for HR and Development - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Observatoire Mauritanien des droits de l'homme - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Fundacion Vida - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Portugal - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Canners International Permanent Committee - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Tunisia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Egypt - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • WEOG - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Career Support Association - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Association Thendral - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. HR Assoc. of American Minorities - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Americans for Democracy and HR in Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • PM of Togo - Meeting on 36th Session
    • World Muslim Congress - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Croatia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Center for Reproductive Rights - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Japan - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Paraguay - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Swedish Federation of LGBTR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Liberation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Women's International League for Peace and Freedom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Delegation of the Commonwealth - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Tunisia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Tourner la Page - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Singapore - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Women's Human Rights International Assoc. - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Indian Council of South America - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Society for Threatened Peoples - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Tamil Uzhagam - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Delegation of the Commonwealth - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Iraqi Development Organization - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Thailand - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International Career Support - Meeting on 36th Session
    • NAM - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Egypt - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Regional Agricultural Credit Assoc. - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Tunisia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Centre for HR and Peace Advocacy - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Indian Council of South America - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Mexico - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Canada - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • ANAJA - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Africa Culture Internationale - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Paraguay - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Muslim Women's Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Benin - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Egypt - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Association Bharathi - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Islamic Federation of Student Organizations - Meeting on 36th Session
    • The Death Penalty Project Limited - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Egyptian Org. for HR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • World Environment and Resources Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • private meeting
    • Assoc. for Defending Victims of Terrorism - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Indian Council of South America - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Croatia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Association des Etudiants Tamouls de France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bolivia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Arab Organization for Human Rights - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian-Eurasian HR Forum - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Center for Environmental and Management Studies - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of El Salvador - Meeting on 36th Session
    • HRC36 | Side- & other events
    • Al-Hakim Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Centre for HR and Peace Advocacy - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Ecumenical Alliance for HR and Development - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Assoc - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Saudi Arabia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Sri Lanka - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Portugal - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Tunisia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Solidarité Suisse-Guinée - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • United School International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil International pour le soutien à des procès equitables - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Paraguay - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Association Thendral - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Iceland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • European Solidarity - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OIC - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Mexico - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Amnesty International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Iraqi Development Organization - Meeting on 36th Session
    • LMG - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Venezuela - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International Commission of Jurists - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Austria - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Tourner la Page - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • NAM - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Oxfam International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Canada - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Solidarité Suisse-Guinée - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Iraq - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • JUSCANZ - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Cuba - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • HR Information and Training Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International-Lawyers.Org - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bahrain - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIVICUS - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Muslim Women's Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Portugal - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Singapore - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Yemen - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Tamil Uzhagam - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Elimination of All Forms of racial Discrimination - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Réseau International Droits Humains - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil de Jeunesse Pluriculturelle - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • East and Horn of Africa - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Protection of Women and Children's Rights - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIVICUS - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Centre for Convention on Democratic Integrity - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales Feminines - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OCAPROCE - Meeting on 36th Session
    • United Schools international - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Africa Culture Internationale - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Ambassadorial meeting
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Ireland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Kiyana Karaj Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • NAM - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Austria - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Tunisia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Baha'i International Community - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Al-khoei Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United States - Mission on 36th Session
    • Global Institute for Water, Enviroment and Health - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Maarij Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Cote d'Iivoire - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Portugal - Meeting on 36th Session
    • UNRISD - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Americans for Democracy - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Arab Organization for HR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Egyptian Organization for Human Rights
    • Int. Muslim Women's Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • East and Horn of Africa HR Defenders Project - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Development Association - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. Culturelle des Tamouls en France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Indian Council of South America - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Fellowship of Reconciliation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Rencontre Africaine pour la Defense des droits de l'Homme - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. Bharathi Centre Culturel Franco-Tamoul - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Jssor Youth Organization - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Denmark - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Palestinian Return Centre - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Servas International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Sudan - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. pour les Victimes du Monde - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIRID - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • World Environment and Resources Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Colombia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Brazil - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Commission of the Churches - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Cote d'Ivoire - Meeting on 36th Session
    • WEOG - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil Int. pour le Soutien à des Procès Equitables - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Fellowship of Reconciliation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Like-Minded Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • NAM - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on HRC36
    • Private meeting
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Appui aux Femmes Démunies - Meeting on 336th Session
    • Franciscans International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • ILO - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International-Lawyers.Org - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian Forum for HR- Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian-Eurasian HR Forum - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Islamic HR Commission - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • World Barua Organization - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Le Pont - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Stichting International Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • World Organization Against Torture - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bolivia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Yemen - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Al Baraem - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Al-Hakim Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIVICUS - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Liberation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of China - Meeting on HRC36
    • Women's Int. League for Peace and Freedom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIRID - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil Jeunesse Pluriculturelle - Meeting on 363th Session
    • FIDH - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International Service for Human Rights - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Khiam Rehabilitation Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Org. for Defending Victims of Violence - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Society for Development and Community Empowerment - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Africa Culture Internationale - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Arab Penal Reform - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIVICUS - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OCAPROCE - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Ecuador - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Ukraine - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Association of World Citizens - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • HR Information and Training Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Next Century Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conectas Direitos Humanos - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Dignity - Danish Institute Against Torture - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Arab Penal Reform - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Norwegian Refugee Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Franciscans International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Belgium - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of The United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Swiss Catholic Lenten Fund - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. of World Citizens - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International Commission of Jurists - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Alliance Creative Community Project - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Ecumenical Alliance for HR and Development - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Commission to Study the Organization of Peace - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Yemen - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Centre for HR and Peace Advocacy - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • African-American Society for Humanitarian Aid - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Japan - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • PM of Pakistan - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. pour les Victimes du Monde - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Réseau International des Droits Humains - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Buddhist Relief Organisation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Badil Resource Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Org. Right to Education and Freedom of Education - Meeting on 36th Session
    • International Bridges to Justice - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Khiam Rehabilitation Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of China - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Finland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Palestinian Return Centre - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Amuta for NGO Responsability - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Africa Culture Internationale - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Egypt - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Women's Centre for Legal Aid and Counseling - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Cairo Institute for HR Studies - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Assoc. Culturelle des Tamouls - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United Kingdom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Badil Resource Center - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session HRC
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • JUSCANZ - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Chile - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Franciscans International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Montenegro - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil de Jeunesse Pluriculturelle - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Georgia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • UN Watch - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Conseil International Soutien à des Procès Equitables - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Maarij Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Germany - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • Private meeting
    • Action Canada for Population and Development - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Association of World Citizens - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Iraq - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Amuta for NGO Resposibility - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • WEOG - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Bulgaria - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of France - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Group - Meeting on 36th Session
    • CIRID - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian-Eurasian HR Forum - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Nonviolent Radical Party - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Hungary - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Pasumai Thaayagam Foundation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. HR Assoc. of American Minorities - Meeting on 36th Session
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian Forum for HR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Asian-Eurasian Human Rights Forum - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Int. Buddhist Relief Organization - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Yemen - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the United States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Franciscans International - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of China - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Switzerland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting
    • PM of Chile - Meeting on 36th Session
    • EU Delegation - Meeting on 36th Session
    • GRULAC - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Bilateral meetings
    • HRC 36 Side events
    • Bilateral meetings
    • Gulf Cooperation Council - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Uruguay - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Bilateral meetings
    • Bilateral meetings
    • Bilateral meetings
    • League of Arab States - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Org. for Defending Victims of Violence - Meeting on 36th Session
    • HRC 36 Side events
    • OHCHR - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Croatia - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • African Union - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of the Netherlands - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Alliance Defending Freedom - Meeting on 36th Session
    • PM of Ireland - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Rencontre africaine pour la défense des droits de l'homme - Meeting on 36th Session
    • Private meeting