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28 April 2025 to 1 May 2025
United Nations Headquarters
US/Eastern timezone
Registration Only for Specially Accredited Organizations to UN Conferences on Financing for Development

4th PrepCom Session for FfD4 and the 2025 ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development Follow-up

Dates: 28 April - 1 May 2025

Venue: Trusteeship Council, United Nations Headquarters, New York, USA.

In accordance with General Assembly resolution 78/231, an intergovernmental Preparatory Committee has been established to handle the organizational, procedural, and substantive preparations for the upcoming FfD4 Conference.

The ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development will be held on 28 to 29 April 2025, followed by the Fourth Preparatory Committee (4th PrepCom) Session for the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FFD4) from 30 April to 1 May 2025 at Trusteeship Council, UN Headquarters, New York.

On 28 April, in an exceptional joint effort by the President of ECOSOC and the co-chairs of the Intergovernmental Preparatory Committee of FFD4, Ministers and high-level officials will have the opportunity to express their views and foster political momentum for the FFD4 Conference. 

The Forum this year assumes added importance and a critical role in mobilizing momentum and concrete solutions for FFD4. Held back-to-back with the 4th FFD Preparatory Committee session, the deliberations of the forum will feed into the discussions on the outcome of the FFD4.

Both events bring together heads of state and government, ministers and high-level government officials as well as senior officials of international organizations. Civil society organizations, the business sector and local authorities will also be represented.

Registered representatives of organizations that have received special accreditation to the FFD process, or that were accredited for a previous International Conference on Financing for Development, are invited to observe the ECOSOC Forum on Financing for Development Follow-up that will take place from 28 to 29 April 2025. However, their requests to intervene will only be considered during the fourth Session of the Preparatory Committee for the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development from 30 April to 1 May 2025, pursuant to the modalities resolution of the Conference.

The 4th PrepCom Session, as well as the 2025 ECOSOC Forum will be livestreamed on UN Web TV. Please visit the Conference website for more information.


This registration portal is ONLY for representatives of relevant non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions, and the private sector that have received special accreditation for FfD4.

Please find the consolidated list of specially accredited organizations here. 

ECOSOC-accredited entities should register by clicking here. 

Please note:

  • Participants must register individually via the relevant INDICO form. Bulk registrations are not permitted by the system. If you do not already have an Indico account, please create one before proceeding with your application. Please find the user guide on creating an account here
  • Each Organization will be able to register up to two (2) representatives. If more than two representatives are registered under the same organization, the Secretariat will only approve two registrants on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Registration doesn't guarantee in-person participation. You will receive an approval letter confirming your in-person participation if your registration is approved. 
  • If you are unable to attend in person, you may follow the proceedings via UN Web TV.
  • The deadline for registration is 13 April at 12 pm [EDT].


Disclaimer: For technical issues related to Indico account creation and registration, please contact the Indico Support Team at

United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
Registration for this event is currently open.