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2–4 Apr 2025
United Nations Headquarters
US/Eastern timezone

The eleventh session of the Expert Mechanism on the Right to Development will take place in Conference Room 5, UN HQ New York, from 2 to 4 April 2025 with open public meetings on Thursday 3 April and Friday 4 April 2025, 10am to 1pm and 3pm to 6pm Eastern Time (ET).

In the current context of upheavals that have left sustainable development and the protection of human rights in a vulnerable and uncertain position, the EMRTD will focus its 11th session on evaluating the current obstacles and finding ways to ensure continued commitment to international cooperation and financing for development. The session will draw upon and contribute to the ongoing negotiations of the FfD4 around the questions: How to face the new context at multilateral and national levels? What does this mean for the right to development and how to pursue the best level of engagement for development?

The session will feature a general debate, two interactive dialogues with guest speakers on two studies, and three interactive dialogues with representatives from Member States, civil society, practitioners, and experts. The EMRTD is committed to ensuring that these four dialogues address current global challenges concretely, drawing upon effective experiences and strategies to address pressing right to development needs.

United Nations Headquarters, New York, United States of America
Room 5
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