Indico.UN will undergo scheduled maintenance on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (6:00 to 7:00 AM EST, 18:00 to 19:00 ICT).
We appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance your experience.

20–23 May 2025
TBC - Baku
Asia/Baku timezone
Kindly, note that the registration deadline is Wednesday, 16 April 2025.

The sixth plenary meeting will bring together GlobE Network members and partner organizations to discuss organizational issues, including the adoption of the annual workplan of the Network for 2025, approval of the activity report for 2024, validation of the status of observers, and endorsement of guiding principles for information exchange between the members of the GlobE Network. The meeting will host substantive discussions on thematic areas relevant to GlobE Network members and offer operational tradecraft and knowledge sessions. It will also provide an opportunity for the members of the GlobE Network, its observers, and other participants to conduct bilateral and multilateral meetings on operational and strategic issues to advance cases.


TBC - Baku, Baku, Azerbaijan
Baku Convention Center
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Registration for this event is currently open.