To facilitate the participation of accredited non-governmental observers, the INC Secretariat is in the position to provide travel support for the participation of a total of 20 observers at the Second Part of the Fifth Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-5.2) that will take place in United Nations Office at Geneva, Switzerland, from 5 – 14 August 2025. The funding was made available through voluntary contributions from donors, will cover, in accordance with the United Nations rules and regulations:
Economy class round-trip air tickets.
Daily subsistence allowances (DSAs) to cover accommodation and meals.
Terminal expenses.
For the provision of travel support:
The applicant must have been approved on the Indico registration system to participate in INC-5.2.
Only participants from developing countries and from economies in transition are eligible for funding, with priority given to observers from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
Priority will be given to participants from non-governmental organizations nominated on behalf of coalitions, large networks, or constituencies representing, children and youth, women, indigenous peoples, environmental NGOs, waste pickers, persons with disabilities, local authorities, scientific and technological community, business and industry, farmers, and workers and trade unions, including workers from the informal and cooperative settings.
Only one participant per organization will be considered for funding. If more than one application is received from the same organization, only the person who applied first will be considered.
The deadline for application/recommendation is 04 May 2025, 23:59 p.m. (East Africa Time).
In addition to the above, the Secretariat will ensure:
Equitable geographic distribution.
Gender parity.
Proven expertise on the subject matter.
The INC Secretariat, in consultation with the Chair of the INC, will ensure that the criteria listed above are followed.
The Secretariat may reach out to eligible participants for more information.