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Welcome to the first meeting in the trilateral briefing series "Supporting a Sustainable Innovation Ecosystem through Health, Intellectual Property, and Trade Tools: Sharing Country Experiences".

The purpose of the meeting is to provide fact-based evidence and data to assist policy makers to effectively use IP, trade, and policy tools to achieve public health objectives. The overlapping burdens of infectious and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), as well as the need for pandemic preparedness and responding to other health emergencies, demand continued efforts to increase research and development (R&D) for new and better diagnostics, vaccines, medicines, and other health technologies. The three organizations are united in their belief that innovation will drive progress in tackling the health challenges of the 21st century and achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). While the global R&D ecosystem is already powering cutting-edge R&D, there are a range of opportunities for increasing R&D capacity and improving global equitable access to health technologies.

A full range of actors are involved in the development and delivery of health technologies, including Ministries of Health, Science, Technology and Innovation, and Industry and other government agencies, health workers, researchers, civil society organizations, and the private sector. This workshop will therefore present and discuss Members’ experiences in the implementation of relevant laws and policies and their practical application. It will also provide updates on relevant work being done by the three collaborating organizations and provide an opportunity to discuss topics for future meetings.



  • INSTRUCTION FOR IN-PERSON PARTICIPATION: If your registration has been approved, please come to the Security Reception at WHO HQ to pick up your meeting badge ahead of the meeting. The Security Reception is located in the D-building. See attached map of the HQ WHO Campus. 
  • INSTRUCTION FOR REMOTE PARTICIPATION: If you were approved for remote participation to this meeting, you will be sent personal log-in information ahead of the meeting. The link to join is not transferrable.
WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
Auditorium 1/.-.