HRSD is offering this training due to the high number of requests from clients to brief supervisors on the various stages of the Performance Management framework. Due to this high demand, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate all such requests on a case-by-case basis. We have therefore prioritized the Training of Trainers (ToT), to offer a comprehensive in-person training session for individuals in entities who will then, in turn, be able to provide training and briefings to others. The training also aims to strengthen the internal capacity building to advise on complex performance matters and will expose participants to a considerable amount of information and knowledge over the five-day period.
In order to get the most out of this training, participants should already have a high-level of familiarity and comfort in the interpretation and application of the relevant administrative issuances regarding Performance Management matters. It would be beneficial if participants come from the HR or Administrative sections, although trainers with experience providing relevant briefings to supervisors will also be considered.
The overall aim of the ToT is to train the participants to enable them to present three (3) separate 90-minute briefings on
· the beginning of cycle;
· the end of cycle;
· addressing underperformance.
The briefings focus on lessons learned from Administration of Justice (AoJ) cases and best practices gained through advising on and managing performance matters. Towards the end of the training, participants will be tasked with providing their own briefing sessions in a real-word and hands-on environment.