Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained increasing interest from policymakers, developers, end users, as AI is expected to lead to further improvements in efficiency, productivity, and innovation across industries and societies with the rapid advancement of machine learning technologies. However, concerns have also been raised about the ethical implications of AI, safety and security risks, such as bias in algorithmic decision-making, along with other societal impacts of AI like job displacement. In response to these trends, the ESCAP secretariat organized under the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway initiative an informal expert consultation on AI in January this year. Participants had the opportunity to learn about recent AI policies and trends from experts in member States, policy research organizations, and private sector players.
Within global frameworks, notably the Pact for the Future and related GA resolutions on AI, in this second informal expert consultation, experts will share views on the region's sustainable development challenges, how AI can help tackle these issues, and the emerging good practice policies on how AI policies can accelerate implementation of SDGs, including through strengthened cooperation on AI among Asia-Pacific countries. AI project concepts on strengthening capacity-building and technical cooperation in the use of AI for sustainable development will also be discussed.
(1) To discuss key sustainable development challenges and how AI policies can accelerate SDG implementation and
(2) To share emerging good policy practice for sustainable development
(3) To identify capacity-building needs
(4) To propose ways of strengthening regional cooperation on capacity-building and technical cooperation
Format of the meeting:
- Informal expert consultation under APIS Working Group 2 on digital applications for sustainable development
- Online meeting
- Around 6-8 experts on AI: AI for sustainable development as outlined in the attached program
- Bureau members and national focal points of APIS Steering Committee
Organizer: The ESCAP secretariat
Language: English only
Contact persons:
Daesik Shin (Mr.)
Expert on ICT at ICT and Development Section (IDS),
ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
E-mail:; with copy to, and