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Second formal meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group - Anti-Doping ConventionHYBRID

Fontenoy/Floor: -1-Room/Salle XI (UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France)

Fontenoy/Floor: -1-Room/Salle XI

UNESCO Headquarters

125, Avenue de Suffren, 75007 Paris
Team's Meeting
Chileshe Kangwa (Ministry of Youth, Sport and Arts of Zambia)
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Second formal meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group - Anti-Doping Convention
    • 10:00 10:10
      Official Opening (Agenda Item 1) 10m

      Opening remarks by the Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, Ms Gabriela Ramos.

    • 10:10 10:15
      Adoption of the agenda (Agenda Item 2) 5m

      Presentation of the provisional agenda by the Secretariat.
      Adoption of the agenda by the members of the Open-Ended Working Group.

    • 10:15 10:25
      Adoption of the extended timeline (Agenda Item 3) 10m

      Presentation of the proposed extended timeline by the Chairperson.
      Adoption of the extended timeline by the Open-Ended Working Group.

    • 10:25 10:45
      Out-of-session work (Agenda Item 4) 20m

      Briefing and update by the Rapporteur on the out-of-session work carried out by the Core Group between the first and second meetings of the Open-Ended Working Group.

    • 10:45 11:15
      Reinforcement of the Convention’s funding mechanism (Agenda Item 5) 30m

      Presentation of the guiding questions by the Core Group Rapporteur.
      Interventions by Open-Ended Working Group members in response to the guiding questions for this domain.

    • 11:15 11:45
      Accountability of States Parties: Towards a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of their commitments (Agenda Item 6) 30m

      Presentation of the guiding questions by the Core Group Rapporteur.
      Interventions by Open-Ended Working Group members in response to the guiding questions for this domain.

    • 11:45 12:00
      BREAK 15m
    • 12:00 12:30
      Creation of a mechanism for peaceful settlement of disputes between States Parties (Agenda Item 7) 30m

      Presentation of the guiding questions by the Core Group Rapporteur.
      Interventions by Open-Ended Working Group members in response to the guiding questions for this domain.

    • 12:30 13:00
      Strengthening the Global Sport Integrity Ecosystem and the Relationship between UNESCO and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and between the Convention and the World Anti-Doping Code (Agenda Item 8) 30m

      Presentation of the guiding questions by the Core Group Rapporteur.
      Interventions by Open-Ended Working Group members in response to the guiding questions for this domain.

    • 13:00 13:15
      Out-of-session work (Agenda Item 9) 15m

      Intervention by the members of the designated Core Group on their workplan until the Open-Ended Working Group’s third formal meeting.

    • 13:15 13:20
      Date of the next formal meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group (Agenda Item 10) 5m

      Update regarding the date and venue of the next meeting by the Secretariat.

    • 13:20 13:30
      Closing (Agenda Item 11) 10m

      Oral report by the Rapporteur.
      Closing remarks of the Chairperson.