Celebration of Eid Al-Adha, Featuring traditions from Saudi Arabia

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Palais des Nations

Palais de Nations, Door 40, 2nd Floor, Building E


This page is reserved for registrants of the forthcoming event titled "Celebration of Eid Al-Adha, Featuring Traditions from Saudi Arabia" at the United Nations Office.

The event being organized by the Permanent Mission of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Geneva, "Celebration of Eid Al-Adha, Featuring Traditions from Saudi Arabia," showcases the rich cultural heritage and traditions of Saudi Arabia during the Eid al-Adha festival.

The event will take place on June 19, 2024, at 13:00 at the (Palais des Nations, Door 40, 2nd Floor, Building E)

Celebration of Eid AI-Adha, Featuring traditions from Saudi Arabia