This will be the first of two intersessional meetings mandated under paragraph 16 of resolution 54/12, in which the Council decided to “continue to discuss and develop further steps and measures necessary to enable and to facilitate the participation of Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and institutions duly established by themselves in the work of the Human Rights Council.”
The objective of the meeting, as outlined in Resolution 54/12, paragraph 16 is to allow States, relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, international organizations, Indigenous Peoples from the seven Indigenous sociocultural regions, national human rights institutions and civil society organizations to hold a dialogue on concrete ways to enhance the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the work of the Human Rights Council.
Please visit the meeting's webpage for further information.
Please note that if you intend to register as an Indigenous Peoples' representative, you must select "Other" under representation type and complete the section on Indigenous affiliation in the registration form. You should also select "HRC: IPO Red" under badge type.