Once approved in Indico, participants will then receive a digital badge with a QR code sent to their email address which they can print out and bring along or store on their mobile phone. The QR code will be scanned on the day to enter the Palais des Nations from the entrance PREGNY GATE of the Palais des Nations, Place des Nations, from 8:00 to 16:45 on weekdays only.
All visitors must hold a valid passport (UN Member or Observer State). A valid national identity card issued by a European Union Member State is also accepted.
Additional information:
Wheelchair accessible routes / Accessible Doors
Open access 7:00 to 19:00: Doors C6 I E40 I H60
Map of the UNOG Palais des Nations: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/about/map
For additional information, please consult the UNOG Geneva Website