The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), in its resolutions 76/217, 77/246, and 77/329, decided to convene the Third United Nations Conference on Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDC3) from 18 to 21 June 2024 in Kigali, Rwanda.
Stakeholder Participation in the Conference:
As guided by resolution A/RES/77/246, other relevant stakeholders, including the non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations, academic institutions and the private sector whose work is relevant to the Conference are invited to participate as observers in the Conference and its preparatory meeting.
Relevant stakeholders that are not in consultative status with ECOSOC, or that have not been accredited to any of the Conferences and Summits listed below MUST APPLY FOR SPECIAL ACCREDITATION by following the REGISTER NOW link at the bottom of this page. The deadline for submitting application is 29 March 2024.
Note: If your organization has already received accreditation for one of the Conferences or Summits listed below, DO NOT APPLY for this ad-hoc Special accreditation. Kindly visit the conference website for updates on registration for the Preparatory Meeting and Conference.
- The Global Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
- The International Meeting to Review the Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States
- The third International Conference on Small Island Developing States
- The fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States
- The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development
- The international meeting entitled “Stockholm+50: a healthy planet for the prosperity of all – our responsibility, our opportunity” and including those organizations accredited to participate in the sessions of the United Nations Environment Assembly
- The 2022 United Nations Conference to Support the Implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
- The Fifth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries
- The United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development”
- Previous United Nations Conferences on Landlocked Developing Countries
- The organizations that were granted special accreditation on the first round to participate in the LLDC3 Conference per UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/77/246
Kindly Note
* This ad-hoc special accreditation is applied for at the organizational level, requiring only one application per entity. Individuals may not apply for special accreditation.
* Organizations approved for participation will be informed and will receive additional instructions regarding the registration process for their representatives.
* Stakeholder applications will be reviewed by Member States, in accordance with the relevant GA Resolution. The name of the organization and country will be shared with the Member States, and, additionally, the homepage and/or the reason for participation may also be shared, if requested.
* If you do not already have an Indico account, please create one before proceeding with your application. Please find the user guide on creating the account here.