The One Health approach recognizes that the health of humans, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment (including ecosystems) are closely linked and inter-dependent, and thus requires a multi-sectoral collaboration to achieve the common goal of a better health for all. Plant health is key to the establishment of One Health, considering the impact of globalization and its effects on safe trade and the movement of plant pests and diseases, as well as the importance of plant health for food security, environmental protection and biodiversity, including the effects of climate change.


The effects of environmental degradation and the corresponding erosion of ecosystem services influence the relationships between health, food production and natural systems. Balancing these interactions ensures human, animal and plant health and well-being, and charts the path towards economic, environmental and social sustainability (OH-JPA, 2022).


Benefitting from experts from IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention), FAO Plant Health Division, regions and countries, this One Health Series will address the following points:

  • What is the linkage between the One Health approach and plant health? And how is it associated with the work of the IPPC?
  • Example from African Union countries: EU-funded IPPC project Strengthening food control and phytosanitary capacities and governance, the case of Kenya by Isaac Macharia
  • Example from COLEAD: the use of IPPC Guides, training materials and tools by Morag Webb
  • What are the obstacles faced by addressing plant health with the One Health approach and what are the lessons learned?  
Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
H/3-307A - H.307A
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