Indico.UN will undergo scheduled maintenance on the first Wednesday of each month from 12:00 to 13:00 CET (6:00 to 7:00 AM EST, 18:00 to 19:00 ICT).
We appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance your experience.

15 November 2023
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone

Middle powers play a critical role in the maintenance and shaping of the world order, by leveraging their diplomatic, economic and normative influence. They often act as mediators, champions of multilateralism and advocates for international norms, contributing to a more stable and equitable global system. Their ability to bridge gaps and build coalitions makes them important actors in addressing global challenges and conflicts. 

This event explores the role of middle powers and the evolution of multilateralism through the views and experiences of three invited experts.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
B/01-135 - B-1-135 - Library
Palais des Nations, B Building, Entry point: Peace Gate, 1st Floor UN Library & Archives Building


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    1. First, create your Indico.UN profile. (one-time exercise) User guide: [Eng]

    2. Now that you have your Indico.UN account, kindly click on the button "Register now" below to proceed with your registration.