Environment and Development

ESCAP implements a project on operationalizing the Asia-Pacific Regional Action Programme on Air Pollution (RAPAP), including through the establishment of Working Groups on Data and Air Quality Standards, respectively. The project seeks to build a foundation of knowledge and expertise to support the acceleration of policies and practices to address air pollution and achieve air quality across the region that meets World Health Organization guidelines. The project will leverage and strengthen connections among existing subregional initiatives to enhance exchange of knowledge and best practices and identify key capacity gaps for further technical assistance. In this context, the Working Groups will support review of standards across the region and existing and emerging data sources that can be more widely shared to support more robust policymaking.

This meeting, as the first session of the working groups, will focus on developing terms of reference and work programme for the next two years. The outputs of the working groups will be submitted to the ESCAP Committee on Environment and Development in 2024 for the consideration by the member states.

Meeting link will be sent to the participants in due course..
Registration for this event is currently open.