In his 2023 report to the UN General Assembly, the Special Rapporteur on the right to development calls for a fundamental shift in how businesses operate in society by reorienting the purpose of business, changing irresponsible business models and going beyond the “do no harm” approach. Only by making these systemic changes, businesses will be able to make a meaningful contribution not only to achieving inclusive and sustainable development but also to building a human rights economy.
Building on this 2023 report and other work done by various scholars and civil society organizations, the Special Rapporteur is starting a new project on “business models for inclusive and sustainable development”. The project will focus on addressing the root causes of business-related human rights abuses and structural inequalities or exclusions in society as well as markets. It will examine whether the current business models are fit for the purpose. The project will result in developing practical policy briefs unpacking how transformative business models may look like, highlighting legal and policy changes required, and showcasing good practices. It is envisaged that several thematic drafting groups will be constituted to take the project forward.