12 October 2023
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone

This Geneva Policy Symposium starts from the premise that if we want migration to work for everyone, we need to better understand and ultimately address the structural inequalities—poverty, gender inequalities and racism—that drive migration and limit its potential to contribute to personal, societal and global development. Highlighting the structural inequalities with which migration is often associated is therefore necessary to understand contemporary patterns of international migration and their interconnected consequences at the individual, household, community, national, and global scales.

This event is envisaged as a key outreach and impact activity that builds on the expertise and networks of the MIDEQ international partner group. The event will be coordinated by UNRISD in close collaboration with MIDEQ international partners: ILO, IOM, OECD, OHCHR and UNU-CPR. The symposium will bring together the Geneva UN and policy community and key MIDEQ researchers for discussing findings from MIDEQ research and implications for migration policy and governance. The policy symposium presents an opportunity for dissemination of MIDEQ research findings as well as policy impact through engaging with international organizations, decision makers and change advocates. It increases the visibility of the project and promotes a new narrative on migration, one that focuses on migrants’ rights and capabilities; interdisciplinary, intersectional and power-centered approaches; and human rights for all.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Room III
Registration for this event is currently open.