Strategic Roundtables
22 May 2023, 13:00
27 May 2023, 14:15
Room XVIII (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)
Palais des Nations
Monday 22 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
The World Together: Member State-led processes to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations
Tuesday 23 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
Protecting and investing in the health and care workforce: an action-oriented agenda for the second half of the Sustainable Development Goals
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations
Wednesday 24 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
The role of the Health Community in Climate Action: taking stock and moving forward.
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations
Thursday 25 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
Ending tuberculosis by 2030: universal access to care, multisectoral collaboration, and innovations to accelerate progress and combat antimicrobial resistance
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations
Friday 26 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
A safer and healthier tomorrow through restoring essential immunization today
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations
Saturday 27 May
Mon 22 May
Tue 23 May
Wed 24 May
Thu 25 May
Fri 26 May
Sat 27 May
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of the adoption of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control: a fit-for-purpose life-saving treaty.
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
E/1-18 - E-1-18 - Room XVIII
Palais des Nations