43rd Session | Informal consultations

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland

Palais des Nations


The registration is required only for those participating exclusively in side events. Participants wishing to attend the UPR WG session will need to register through the main page: https://indico.un.org/event/1001191/


Please note that from Monday 5 September 2022 until the end of May 2023, Pregny Gate will be closed. During the entire renovation period, please take note of the different locations to obtain access badges to the Palais des Nations.

For conference participants, media, NGOs and members of Permanent Missions:

Villa Les Feuillantines

Avenue de la Paix 13, 1211 Genève 10

Weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.

Following the issuance of a badge, access to the Palais des Nations will be through the Peace Gate “bis”, a new temporary access screening point. Please refer to the following maps indicating the location of Villa Les Feuillantines and how to access the premises through the Peace Gate "bis".

Additional information:

EN: https://www.ungeneva.org/en/pregny-gate-closure

FR: https://www.ungeneva.org/fr/pregny-gate-closure


Please allow at least three working days for your request to be processed.

It is recommended to avoid Internet Explorer as it may block activation or confirmation procedures. Please use Chrome or Firefox browsers. 

Modifications: If you wish to modify an approved registration, please contact ohchr-upraccreditation@un.org

Technical Issues: For any technical issues with INDICO, please contact support.accreditation@un.org 

FAQs and User Guide are available at: https://conf.unog.ch/indicohelp/