A WHO Steering Group has been established and includes representatives of Climate Change and Health (CCH), Nutrition and Food Safety (NFS), Quality Assurance of Norms and Standards (QNS), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (SRH) as well as WHO regions including Africa (AFRO), Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), Europe EURO and Americas (PAHO). An external group of experts, from various disciplines including climate science and environmental epidemiology, maternal, newborn and child health and nutrition, monitoring and evaluation, representing different geographical regions and gender, will be formed to participate in the indicator selection process. The results of their deliberations and the selected indicators will be published in a WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and WMO publication.
The scoping meeting is an opportunity to have a first discussion with the WHO group and a select group of experts to define the process and parameters for indicator selection including discussion on thresholds for early warning systems.
Objectives of the Meeting:
- To review an initial theory of change on the impact of extreme heat on MNCH, including the different determinants and pathways of exposure;
- To define the parameters and scope of the work for the process of indicator selection, including specifications regarding each population group and criteria for prioritizing indicators;
- To review the information and evidence that has been gathered and to determine any additional evidence that will be required to determine priority indicators.