10th session
Palais des Nations
At its tenth session, the EMRTD aims to undertake meaningful exchanges with Member States, civil society, experts, and practitioners about the different ways in which the right to development can be featured in ongoing international discussions, agreements, and instruments.
The session will feature a general debate, a coordination meeting with other UN mechanisms on the right to development, a discussion on two studies, and six interactive thematic dialogues to draw upon experiences, good practices, and strategies around pressing global needs. These six thematic discussions will touch upon the topics of: i) Business and the right to development; ii) Engaging the unengaged: building inclusive development through meaningful civil society participation; iii) Artificial intelligence, cultural rights and right to development; iv) Trade, biodiversity and the right to development: an equation to be constructed; v) Bilateral, regional and multilateral trade: friends or enemies of the right to development?, and vi) The future of international cooperation.