Spanish Language Week Celebrations at UNOG

  • Peruvian music concert by the group « Al Toque Mestizo » - 12 October at 6.30 pm, Room XX

The five members of this Geneva-based group explore their Latin American roots through the sounds, rhythms and poetry of Peruvian music.

  • Photo exhibitions:  Cordel-Trashumancia Viva by Mr. Antolín Avezuela; and España con otro enfoque by Mr. Rodolfo Romero - Building E, Door 40, 2nd floor, Mezzanine

Mr Antolín Avezuela specialises in photo reportage and has a background in Illustration, graphic arts and graphic advertising. In particular, he has worked on social and environmental projects.

Rodolfo Romero is an ER doctor and teaches medicine at the European University of Madrid. Passionate about photography, he uses his spare time to contribute to solidarity projects with his talent, as evidenced by España con otro enfoque.  

  • After the concert, Mr. Antolín Avezuela, photographer of Cordel-Trashumancia Viva, will give a presentation, followed by a reception and light refreshments


The event is open to the public, to participate please follow this indico registration page for access to the Palais.


For more information on Spanish Language Week Celebrations at UNOG please click here.

Please be remined that masks remain required in all conference rooms in UN Geneva.

Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
E/3-20 - E-3-20 - Room XX

Please be reminded that it remains mandatory for masks to be worn in all UN Geneva conference rooms.