Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Please register online using the following link:
Instructions for Indico registration:
Step 1: Account creation. You must create an account if you do not have one yet. If you already have an existing account proceed to Step 2.
- Go to registration page: (copy the link and paste on recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge)
- Fill out the account creation form then click on Confirm
- You should receive an email with an activation link. Click on that activation link.
- Your account is now activated
Youtube video tutorial of this process: link
Step 2: Register for the meeting.
- At this stage, you have already created and activated your account on the new UNOG online registration and accreditation system (One time exercise).
- Go to the meeting registration page: (copy the link and paste on recommended browsers: Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge)
- Click on the button "Register now" - If you are not already logged in, you will be redirected to the login page where you can log in using your user name (email) and password.
- Fill out the registration form and click on Submit.
- Once you are registered, you will receive an email informing you that your registration has been received and is pending approval
- As soon as the Secretariat processes your registration, you will receive a confirmation email
Youtube video tutorial of this process: link
In case of difficulties, please contact the secretariat by email ( The link for the virtual platform for the meeting will be sent to registered participants only.