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4–22 Sept 2023
Palais des Nations
Europe/Zurich timezone


94 Session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC)

Contact info

Committee on the Rights of the Child Ninety-fourth Session Palais Wilson 4-22 September 2023
Registration: Please use the following browsers to register: Google Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge or Opera

Getting started with INDICO Online Registration in 2 steps:

  1. Creation of an INDICO account (as first user)

  2. Meeting registration with your INDICO account Create your INDICO account (only for first accreditation).• Click on the link of accreditation for the session • Go to Log-in (top right side of the webpage) • Click on “Create a new account” • Fill-out the form •

IMPORTANT: INDICO photo standards You need to upload one (1) photo for the badge request. Your photos must be: Taken against a plain background (White, Grey or neutral colour) Clear and in focus. Be a close-up of your full head and upper shoulders Contain no other objects or people Be in clear contrast to the background. 

A confirmation message will be displayed on the screen • You will be notified by e-mail once your request has been approved Meeting Registration with your INDICO account

Once logged in with your credentials, a link will appear to the registration form of the session or pre sessional working group you wish to attend. • Click on “Register to this Conference” and fill out the form. Upload a recent photograph or by using the camera icon above. • Click on Register You will be notified by email once the Secretariat has approved your request for accreditation.

How to get your badge: In order to get your badge, please bring the confirmation of registration which includes the QR code, with a valid ID bearing a photograph, and appear in person at Palais Wilson, Rue des Paquis 52, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland.

The office hours are 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

IMPORTANT Please keep your passport in hand while filling the form. Your personal data must match your details on your passport or ID.

For any technical issues with INDICO, please contact and not the Secretariat.

All public meetings of the Committee will be available through webcast live on the website: Please note that the Conference Rooms at Palais Wilson, Ground Floor and First Floor, are open to the public, during the session.

Account required to apply
In order to apply for this event you have to be logged in.