Global Debate on Artificial Intelligence
Room XX (Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland)
Room XX
Palais des Nations
Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial intelligence (AI) hand in hand for a better world.
Conference participants, media, NGOs and members of Permanent Missions:
Pregny Gate ID and badging facility is temporarily closed until May 2023. Please refer to the following location for access badges:
Villa Les Feuillantines
Avenue de la Paix 13
1211 Genève 10
Open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4.45 p.m.
Following issuance of a badge, access to the Palais des Nations will be through the Peace Gate “bis”, a new temporary access screening point.
Covid-19 measures maintained:
- Masks required in conference rooms (both by delegates and the staff servicing the meetings), for guided tours and at public events and in public areas at the UN Geneva Library.
- Masks recommended in all indoor common spaces at our premises and continue to keep safe distances.
- For internal (staff) meetings, masks are recommended.
- Staff and delegates are encouraged to apply other protective hygiene measures as much as possible, e.g., frequent washing of hands and keeping physical distances
Measures lifted:
- COVID related occupancy limits for conference rooms and meeting rooms (no more blocked off seats).
- Registration in Indico for existing badge holders.
- Contact tracing procedures for conferences.
Consultant to the UNAOC