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- Indico Weeks View
On Wednesday, the 4th of May, from 1 to 2:30 p.m., the Division of Conference Management (DCM) at UN Geneva will host a screening of the 2021 documentary film “In Flow of Words”, directed by Eliane Esther Bots. Watch the trailer here.
For in-person participation, please follow the registration instructions on this Indico platform, for all on-line participation*, you can connect to the event through this link (no registration needed)
*Webex online login: event number: 2748 231 9992 password: 20220504
"In Flow of Words"
With a runtime of 22 minutes, this experimental film centers on the experiences of three interpreters who served at The Hague during the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY). Born and raised in the former Yugoslavia, and witnesses to the brutal wars of the 1990s, the interpreters are forced to contend with their personal memories and traumas while maintaining neutrality and professionalism in their work.
The screening will be followed by a panel discussion on the importance of safeguarding the health and wellbeing of interpreters, whose work can subject them to extraordinarily difficult situations, as well as a broader conversation on how interpreters process and manage their emotions in the aftermath of communicating deeply distressing and traumatic testimonies by both victims and perpetrators of war crimes. The discussion will take place against the backdrop of the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, an annual UN observance that aims to raise international awareness around the effort to make work environments safe and healthy for all.
The panel will feature the following speakers:
The conversation will be moderated by Alma Barghout, Chief of Arabic Interpretation Section, DCM, UN Geneva.
The event will take place in a hybrid format; in-person participants will watch the film at the Palais des Nations, while remote participants will be provided with a temporary link to watch the film online during the same time period. Registration is mandatory for in-person participation.
For online participation: please use this link