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27 October 2021
Asia/Bangkok timezone
Join us at the Fourth Asia-Pacific Day for the Ocean

The Fourth Asia-Pacific Day for the Ocean will take place on 27 October 2021 in a virtual modality. With the support of partner organizations, the program will offer a plenary discussion, where the Regional Decade Program will be launched, followed by a selection of thematic interactive dialogues, which will focus on:

a) International cooperation on the digital technologies to monitor ocean plastic pollution (Focus SDG targets 14.1, 14.a)
b) Inclusive Maritime Connectivity for Building Back Better
c) Accounting for ocean pollution: data integration to protect marine and coastal ecosystems;
d) Ocean-climate nexus: blue carbon

A keynote speech from a high-level speaker will provide an overview of regional challenges and opportunities for the protection and sustainable development of the ocean. This will be followed by the parallel interactive dialogues. Finally, a plenary session will offer a space to collect feedback from each interactive dialogue, and to share thematic developments.